Sports Team
Absolutely all ages and all abilities are welcome to join a great, fun loving team as we celebrate life and our precious gifts together over a weekend of competition.
Physical activity will help your new organ last as long as possible after treatment
Physical activity will help your new organ last as long as possible, reduce risk of diabetes, maintain bone health and manage weight gain that can result from treatment.
Exercise is any movement of our bodies that uses energy. Studies have shown that exercise has many disease-fighting effects and can expand our lifespan.
Exercise is usually described as being moderate or vigorous. Moderate physical activities include walking briskly, dancing, cycling (less than 15km/hour), gardening. Vigorous activities include jogging/running, swimming laps, cycling (more than 15km/hour) or team sports like football.
Because vigorous activities increase your heart and breathing rates enough to make you sweat, they are considered aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise helps reduce risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
Other types of exercise that can be helpful include stretching exercises like yoga and Pilates.
It is important to talk with clinic and your transplant team about the best time to begin increasing your activity. This will depend on how well you’ve recovered and any complications you may have had during your recovery.
Enjoy feeling better and increasing your activity. Although your ability to exercise will depend on your health after transplant, most recipients are able to achieve a normal activity level compared to their peers.
This section of the website introduces recipients to the world of transplant sports and provides information on activities and programs they can safely carry out to remain fit, get lots of enjoyment and make new friends.
Absolutely all ages and all abilities are welcome to join a great, fun loving team as we celebrate life and our precious gifts together over a weekend of competition.
We are always keen to welcome new members to the children’s team, as well as sporting events there is also social events for you and your children to take part in.